The Boring World of Goob

*** Sunday, July 31, 2005 ***
  - 2 New Snakes -

Well I found some new snakes to fill Ed and Ophelia's places. I wanted to get a girlfriend for Richard Parker, but when the guy I was getting one from sent me pictures of the ones to choose from I couldn't pick just one. Plus he said if I wanted to get 2 he would pay for shipping. So now Richard Parker has 2 girlfriends, and I don't think he'll be complaining, cause they're both really pretty. These pictures don't so them justice, just some quick shots I took after they got here. This one ate for me tonight, she's a little more confident than her sister.

photo (c) goob


This one is definitely more shy, and she wasn't in the mood to try and kill a mouse tonight. But hopefully with a couple more days to settle in she'll be a little more hungry.

photo (c) goob

*** Wednesday, July 13, 2005 ***
  - God Speed, Ed and Ophelia..... -

Well I got rid of Ed and Ophelia, my Ball pythons. It was a little sad sending them off, but my parents decided that 6 snakes is enough while I'm living here, and I want to get some Black Bloods, as well as a female Borneo for Richard Parker. I've heard people say that Bloods and Short-Tails were addicting cause they were so cool, but I didn't really see why until I got some. Now I need more. But although it was a little sad seeing them go, them moving on means that I now have room for 3 new snakes, and getting new snakes is always fun. Time for some shopping, he he he. Anyways... that's all I feel like sharing for now. -goob-

*** Wednesday, July 06, 2005 ***
  - Camping for the Fourth of July -

Mike and I decided to go camping over the weekend, and ended up down at the Land Between the Lakes in Kentucky. It was a pretty nice trip, although there was quite a bit to explore and not enough time. And it was hot as hell. Felt really good to go swimming though. It was my first time backcountry camping, which has it's advantages as well as disadvantages. I was hoping to see a cottonmouth while we were down there, but I didn't really spend much time looking, and didn't really expect to find one anyway. Lots of toads though, and I saw a skink for the first time outside of a zoo or petstore. Well enjoy the pictures, and if you see Mike ask him about pumping gas.

Me at the entrance sign

photo (c) sib


Me getting some rest after setting up camp

photo (c) sib


Campin Spot

photo (c) goob


There were seriously HUNDREDS of these tiny little baby toads all over the place by our campsite. We had to be really careful walking not to step on these guys. I tried to move as many as I could off the path, but we probably unknowingly stepped on a few of these, which makes me sad.

photo (c) sib


Mike looking at rocks as usual

photo (c) goob


Mike down by the Lake

photo (c) goob


Me building the fire

photo (c) sib

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Location: Columbus, Ohio

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