The Boring World of Goob

*** Monday, October 31, 2005 ***
  - Happy Halloween -

I wanted to post something interesting today, but really, I got nothin. I'm not really a big fan of Halloween these days. I don't think giving a bunch of candy to children in a country where half the population is overweight is a good idea. So instead a picture of Smelly sleeping on my bed.

photo (c) goob

*** Wednesday, October 26, 2005 ***
  - Damn I'm Smart -

Got two of my midterm grades back today, and even though they weren't really that hard, I'm actually impressing myself.  So far on tests this quarter, I've gotten: a 95% on the first Bio exam, a 98% on the first math test, only a 90% on my Bio Lab midterm, a 96% on the Dino midterm, and a 100% on my Physics midterm.  And I haven't been really studying like crazy or anything.  So that's good, I like getting high test scores, that way if you miss a few points because of attendance or on the term papers it all works out.  I have a Bio test coming up here in a little bit, which I've studied for more than any other test so far.  But I'm not so sure about this one, there's a lot of information to cover.  We'll see how hard she makes the test.  Anyways...... I know nobody likes a bragger, but they can go to hell, I feel smart.  Later.......

*** Tuesday, October 25, 2005 ***
  - Studying is Fun! -

Oh wait.... no, it's not, it's boring. But must be done anyway.

*** Wednesday, October 19, 2005 ***
  - Me Looking Goofy and a Pseudo-Scary Cat Picture -

Yup This one is me looking goofy as usual.

photo (c) goob


And here's my little marshmellow of a cat (whose name happens to be William, but he goes by Bill) trying his best to look scary for Halloween. Too bad I couldn't get Smelly to do this.

photo (c) goob

  - New Band of the Moment -

Well this week's band of the moment is OK Go. Very good band that has a fairly new album out that is quite enjoyable. Seems a little different than their last album to me, but in a good way I suppose. And they have a blog on Blogger too, which I thought was interesting. Enjoy.

*** Monday, October 17, 2005 ***
  - It's cold outside and I've got nothing to do -

Well I guess I do have stuff I could be doing, but it's boring and I don't feel like doing it right now, so I'll play on the computer for a while. I should be studying for my Dino test, but I don't have my book with me and the test isn't until wednesday.

So this morning there was ice on my damn car. Just a little bit, but still, that makes me mad. I'm not ready for winter, and I hate winter, and this was just a cruel reminder of what's to come. I don't look forward to getting up and trying to drive to school in the snow. I'm going to have to leave my house at like 5 in the morning to get to class on time if the roads are bad. Stupid UC never cancelling classes, they have to know that half of their students drive to school. Not to mention all the faculty.

I've been looking at apartments online in Columbus, and the good news is that they're pretty cheap, the bad news is that they aren't that great looking, at least not the ones in my price range. I guess they're not any worse than the old apartment in Mason or me and Sarah's apartment in NC. I suppose I'll have to start going up there to look at places eventually and see where they all are and which ones are the nicest.

My little Borneo girl (snake) finally shed again and got all the old skin off that she had stuck from last time. So she's real pretty looking and I can finally stop turturing her trying to get the skin to come off her head. She was the prettier of the two sisters I got when they were babies, or at least I though so, but I think her sister is going to turn out a little nicer, even without a stripe. I'll try and put up some newer pictures of the two, and you can decide. Actually lets play a game. None of my female snakes have names right now. I just can't think of any good girly names that would suit a snake. So if you have any suggestions let me know and I'll consider them, and if I use one then you get to be the one who named my snake. If you want to see the snakes, there are plenty of pictures in previous posts, and I think they're all labeled, at least as male/female.

Working is pissing me off. I can't even enjoy the weekends. This weekend I had to close Friday and Saturday, which meant that after school Friday I went to work, and didn't get home until 2:30 in the morning. I didn't get to bed until about 5, so I was tired all the next day, and then had to work again until 3 in the morning, and didn't get to bed until really late, so Sunday I was completely exhausted. To top it off I fell asleep on the couch Sunday evening for about 2 and a half hours, but I woke up and then wasn't tired anymore. So last night I couldn't get to sleep at all, and ended up staying up all night and coming to class with no sleep. It sucks. And my parents are out of town, but I'm too busy and tired to do anything fun. Not that I'm going to have a party or anything, but I like to break out the electric guitar and play super loud when the folks are gone. Oh well I still have almost a week till they get back.

Ok I'm bored with typing for a while, and I still got some emails to write. So that's all. Go away now. Ha.

*** Thursday, October 13, 2005 ***
  - So Long Suckers...... -

Well it looks like I'll be moving in January. Yup I was admitted to OSU, which aside from having to live in Columbus, is a good thing. Actually I've only even been to Columbus a few times, so I don't really know what the city's like. Maybe it's not that bad to live in. So goodbye UC after this quarter, and hello school with a good biology department. I'm pretty excited, but much work must be done between now and then..... but not now. I must head off to bed. I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in a few days.

  - Smelly -

Ok here's some pictures of Melanie, aka Melly, aka Smelly.

This is her around 2 years ago when she was just a little kitten.

Here she is outside earlier this evening. I know she's getting fat, I think I'm going to put her on a diet and try to take her outside for exercise more.

Me holding her upside down. For some reason she doesn't mind when I do this, she just hangs there. I think it's funny.

Hanging out in the flowers. This was a hard shot to get, hence the blurriness. I had to try and get her to look at me, and then take the picture really quick with one hand. She get way too distracted when she's outside, she can't keep her attention on anything.


  - Good Lord I Hate Dumb Assignments...... -

Sigh..... I have to write my first lab report tonight. I have no problem with reports, but usually you write them on actual experiments where you get usuable results and stuff like that. I have to write this one on some stupid experiment, if you could even call it that, that we did in the first lab. It was basically just to go through the whole scientific process, which is fine, but writing a lab report on it will be a stretch, since there was no real clear direction for the 6 groups of students doing it, it wasn't done scientifically at all, and even if the information we obtained from it was accurate, it doesn't mean anything or provide any useful information. I understand that this is the first lab report a lot of the students have ever done, and it's really mostly just to learn the layout and everything for a scientific report, but she expects it to be 5 pages minimum with 2-5 outside sources. I don't know if that's going to happen, and if it does it's probably going to be 95% B.S. At least she gave us her grading information for it, and it looks like most of the points just come from getting the layout right and putting all the right information in the right places, and not much from content and usefulness. Well I guess I'd better get started.... I've got a lot of crap to make up.

*** Tuesday, October 11, 2005 ***
  - -

Well I'm pretty excited...... is finally up and running. Well it's not all the way done yet, but the forums are up, and the rest should be up soon I heard. As I'm sure you know, I have 8 Blood and Short-Tailed pythons, so I've been looking forward to this site since I heard about it ever so long ago. It's all about my favorite snakes, created by one of the top Blood/Short-Tail breeders in the country, Kara Glasgow from NERD (New England Reptile Distributers). I got one of my snakes from her, and she's super nice and knows her stuff when it comes to snakes, especially Bloods. Check it out to see the coolest snakes ever.


*** Monday, October 10, 2005 ***
  - New Band of the Moment -

I guess I'll try to do this every week, but that may not happen. Hence calling it the "band of the moment" instead of attaching a time frame to it. Anyways....... this week it's going to be Jets to Brazil, simply because I downloaded an album of theirs recently, and I think it's really good. I have one of their albums, but thought I'd try one of their newer ones to see how it compared, and I have to say it's better. So "Perfecting Loneliness" is the album of the moment by the band of the moment. Check it out, there's mp3s available at the link. -chris-

*** Saturday, October 08, 2005 ***
  - So I made a new blog..... -

I figured I'd make a blog where I can talk about biology/evolution, since I tend to think about that sort of stuff fairly often, and I'd rather keep it separate from all the useless dribble on this page. So check it out, the link's over on the side. -chris-

*** Friday, October 07, 2005 ***
  - Yup I'm bored again...... -

Well here I am back in the library between classes. I don't think I really have anything interesting to talk about today though. I have a Biology test at 1, so I need to do a bit of studying for that, but it shouldn't take long. I studied last night, and I know most of the stuff pretty well, so I really just need to go over a couple things to get them stuck in my head for the test. It would be nice to study outside, but it's damn cold today. Well not really that cold for Ohio, but it's probably a good 3o degrees cooler than it was yesterday. It was in the 8o's yesterday, which is too hot for my taste, and now it's too cold for me. I do like fall though. It smells nice, and I like the gloomy weather sometimes. You can't go wrong with a nice sunny fall day either though. Mike and I went down to the creek in the woods behind my house the other day, and it was pretty nice. Not much animal life around though, at least not what I was looking for. Just a couple of salamanders. I guess all the snakes are getting ready to find a place to settle down for the winter. It's amazing how much the creek has changed. I know it's changed a ton since I was a kid, that's expected, but even this year it seems like it has changed quite a bit. There's parts of the bank where like 5 feet of rock have been cut away, some places where there used to be big piles of rock and stuff that looks like it's all been flattened out. I don't remember it ever changing that much in one year. It's kind of sad, it was such an interesting place when I was little, with critters everywhere, and now it just seems kind of boring, and you really have to look just to find a crayfish sometimes. I did find plenty of snakes this spring and summer though, which is good. They wouldn't be there if they didn't have other stuff to eat and good places to live. Another thing that bothers me is the bike trail that the park put going through the woods. Yes I know there has always been trails, but they were mostly used by people like me, just people walking through the woods. Now there are a bunch of yuppies all riding their $1000 bikes with their backpack-water systems and all that shit. The trails are all getting eroded away, and they've also come in with some big machine and widened the trails by tearing down all of the trees and brush on the sides. So instead of a nice little trail going through a nice pretty woods, there's a big wide trail with deep bike tracks in it, and trees cut down on the sides, and signs nailed to the trees so the stupid yuppies don't get lost on the 2 trails that basically go in circles. Call me selfish, or whatever, but I kind of feel like I grew up playing in those woods and I should be able to say who gets to use it and for what. I know that that's not true, and I've done my share of biologically or aesthetically destructive things in my childhood and beyond, but it still sucks to see other people messing it up. Well I guess I'm done with my rant for the day, time to go study some molecules and the origins of life. Fun stuff. Word.

*** Monday, October 03, 2005 ***
  - Band of the Moment -

I added a "Band of the Moment" link over on the sidebar that I think is worth checking out. I can't guarantee you'll like it, but I sure do, so if you don't then you have horrible taste in music. Anyways..... right now it's The Decemberists, who I've been listening to non-stop for a couple days now. Excellent band, pretty instrumental, and kind of fictional story-telling lyrics. A lot of their songs seem to have a sort of old-time mariner thing going on. I like it though. "The Mariner's Revenge Song" is cool, and "The Engine Driver" is another one I like. Check it out if you want. And stay tuned..... I get a new favorite band about every week, so it'll change soon.

  - Well I am Quite Bored....... -

I'm posting this from the Geology/Math/Physics library at school, on my 2 hour break between classes with nothing to do. I could do some math homework but I don't feel like it, and I can't read because I don't bring my heavy ass textbooks with me to class. Sometimes I just walk around campus, just going in circles looking at all the people until I get bored and sick of walking. Which is probably what I'll do after I get bored of being here. Had my first math test today, which I believe went pretty well. Oh thank god, the lady sitting next to me finally left. I hate using computers next to other people. Speaking of god, today 2 of my professors were talking about evolution in class today. Not really talking about it, it just sort of came up somehow. In physics, the professor was talking about scientific theories, and explaining that they have to be testable, and if you test it and it doesn't pan out, you just throw out the theory. So he was saying how the whole evolution/intelligent design debate or science/religion debate bothers him, since evolution is a scientific theory, and intelligent design is not. You can't debate the two, because evolution is a testable scientific theory, but intelligent design is not testable, it cannot be supported or falsified by scientific means. It's a faith issue which is completely separate. But it was funny the way he said it at first, he came across sounding pretty anti-religious. He said "Evolution is a scientific theory, and intelligent design is just made up." Of course he went and explained that he's not against religion and came from 5 generations of Lutheran ministers and all that, but I thought it was cool the way he originally said it. Then in Dino class we were actually learning about evolution, or at least how life evolved through the fossil record. And the professor was just saying that you can't really deny that evolution is real, because you can look at the rocks under your feet and see how things evolved over time. Which of course you can keep separate from human evolution if you really wanted to believe that we were created in god's image. But I don't see how there could be a fossil record of all these organisms evolving if creationism were true, even though some people seem to think it's possible (mostly creationists desperately trying to explain away any evidence against it). Well now I'm just rambling. I think I can safely say that I am an atheist. I try to remain open to any possibilities that there may be something else out there, but if there is anything else, I don't think it's any kind of universal creator or anything like that. I don't think I could believe in a god if I really tried. At least never REALLY believe in one. I could say I did, which I think is what most people do, but when you really get down to it I don't think it makes any sense at all. If I want to be a scientist I have to look at things scientifically, and there is no scientific evidence for either creationism/intelligent design, or for a god. So the last thing I'm going to say on the subject is that I don't have a problem with religion in general, though I do think people should keep it to themselves, not force it on other people or use it in government policies or legislature. Like my physics professor said, it's a matter of faith, and should be left that way. I don't think any good comes out of the religion/science debate. I've had it personally with a number of religious people, and the only thing that happens is both sides get really pissed off and neither one is swayed. Well this turned out a little longer that I expected. It's not often that I just sit down and write with no plan or no reason. I've heard free-writing is supposed to be good for you, but look what I've done with it. He he he he he.......... Ok I think that's enough for now..... or maybe I'll think of something else to write about later and start all over again...... who knows.... maybe I'll do this every Monday Wednesday and Friday between 11 and 1.

*** Sunday, October 02, 2005 ***
  - Just a Couple of Pictures -

You know you love them..... so shut up. I have to have pictures hosted somewhere in order to post them in the snake forums that I'm so fond of. So that's why they're always here.

Female Borneo

photo (c) goob




Male Blood

photo (c) goob


Female Blood

photo (c) goob

A place for me to talk about all the fascinating things going on in my boring world. Read it and like it, or go to Hell.

My Photo
Location: Columbus, Ohio

Not much that I can say that you can't figure out by reading my blog, so have at it...... feel free to leave comments....


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