The Boring World of Goob

*** Friday, February 24, 2006 ***
  - Error 404 - Title Not Found -

Well the week is over... paper has been written, midterms have been taken and passed, and it's time to go home to Cincy for the weekend to do some laundry and see everybody. And it's my Momma's B-day. It's been a month since I went home, which I think is good. It's hard to feel like you're on your own when you go home every other weekend.

The bonus question on my Latin midterm was "what is your favorite kind of donut," and I'm not really a huge fan of donuts, but obviously I wrote down a kind of donut to get the bonus point. So I just picked donuts with chocolate icing and sprinkles. Then this morning when I got to class, the teacher had gotten everybody's favorite donut for the people who came to class today. And she was all happy because she found me my donut with chocolate icing and sprinkles... so I felt bad and had to eat it, even though I wasn't really in the mood for something that sweet so early in the morning. And the moral of the story is... look both ways before crossing the street...

Ok I'm going to get something to eat and throw some stuff together then head on down to the Nati. Cause I'm from the Nati BITCH. (SIB will probably be the only one who gets that...). Alright... I'll be back Monday. Later people.

*** Wednesday, February 22, 2006 ***
  - I can't wait for Friday -

Not that I have anything fun to do on Friday, but it just means that this week will be over. Writing that paper turned out to be easier and harder than I had expected. It was pretty easy to write, but it took me a lot longer than I thought it would. It doesn't help that I was planning on finishing it up yesterday afternoon after a short nap, and woke up from my nap to see that it was 6:30 in the evening. Yeah so I finished it pretty late last evening. But oh well. The actual final draft isn't due until the end of the quarter. But I think it turned out pretty well anyway. Tomorrow is my second Latin midterm, and I've been messing around with this paper so much that I've fallen a little behind. So I have a ton of studying to do tonight... but tomorrow night I'll be able to go to bed early and get some sleep, and then Friday I can finally relax.

My registration for next quarter's classes opened today, and so far I'm signed up for Latin, the next Math course, and Chemistry, so I can finally start on my biology courses. I can't believe how much damn math and chemistry I have to take. All I want to do is play with animals..... I think I may just stick with those 3. They're all probably going to require a lot of homework and studying, so I think I'll just leave it at that instead of trying to cram another one in and make myself crazy. Unless I can find some really easy GEC course to get out of the way. I don't know yet. Anyways... that's it for now.

*** Tuesday, February 21, 2006 ***
  - Smelly Doing Her Part to Help -

I don't know what I would do without her around to lay on top of things and let me set stuff on her......

*** Sunday, February 19, 2006 ***
  - Uggghhhhh..... -

I have to start writing my paper soon... and I really don't want to. I'll have to actually think about what I'm writing for this... and my teacher is expecting some big fantastic paper. I should really learn to keep people's expectations low before a final project and stuff.

*** Friday, February 17, 2006 ***
  - What the Hell are you talking about Goob? -

It's back to cold as hell again. I wonder why people say that. "Cold as hell." I thought Hell was supposed to be pretty warm. I guess "as Hell" has just become a phrase synonymous with "very" these days.

That's it. That's all I have to say for today. I know, I know, you would think there would be something interesting going on in my life by now, but alas, nothing. But strangely enough, that's Ok with me. Being alone and isolated from friends and other people used to bother me and make me think bad things, but for some reason it doesn't anymore. Although it would be nice to have stuff to do and people to hang out with, I feel perfectly comfortable in my little apartment with my cat and snakes. I'm not feeling depressed or desperate for company. The drunks at AA meetings always talk about how they didn't used to feel "comfortable in their own skin," but once they learned to live with themselves life became better and sobriety easier. I guess I've gotten to be comfortable in my own skin. It's a strange feeling, but much better than the way things used to be.

*** Wednesday, February 15, 2006 ***
  - Dammit -

I missed the damn bus again.... now I have to sit here for another hour, then go home and come back later tonight for a midterm. I was going to take a nap before I had to come back, but now I don't know if it will even be worth it. I might as well just study for it... I want to shoot whoever decided to make the midterms in the evening. What the hell is that about? They don't give us extra time or anything, it's the same length as a class period, so why not just have in class? And we have two days of review before it, so they could easily just shorten it to one day of review and then the test. People are at school during the day, and have other shit to do in the evening. But of course they have to make everyone go home and come back again, and request off work or cancel their plans or whatever. Barstards. And don't tell me to just stay here instead of going home and coming back, I'll be damned if I'm going to sit here for hours on end with nothing to do.

But on the lighter side of things, it's an absolutely gorgeous day. And it'll be even warmer tomorrow. But then cold and snow are back Friday....

P.S. I like today's quote.... Mark Twain was a funny guy.....

*** Monday, February 13, 2006 ***
  - What a Goofy Cat -

Sometimes she likes to sit around with a goofy look on her face and her tongue sticking halfway out.


*** Sunday, February 12, 2006 ***
  - LOST -

It's been a while since I've gotten my fix of new Lost episodes, since I've been trying to save as much money as possible and haven't downloaded any since I moved. But luckily SIB finally started watching it and got hooked, and he downloaded all the episodes from season 2 and has been sending me the episodes I haven't seen. So far I'm still liking it a lot, though there's some stuff that kind of bugs me. I cannot stand Ana Lucia, and I really hope someone kills her. That would make me happy. Or maybe the polar bear could maul her. Either way would work.... Anyways... I'll probably be caught up tomorrow, and I guess I could start watching them on TV now, and gossip about the new ones with my dad and everyone else who's watching the new ones. But I may just cough up the $1.99 to download them to watch without the commercials. Plus then I could have the whole season on the computer to watch again. Ok well it's late, so goodnight all, talk to you later...

*** Wednesday, February 08, 2006 ***
  - Animals are Fun -

I just got back from the Zoology club meeting, which was pretty fun. The Columbus Zoo's promotions department brought some animals to show us. I got to pet a Dingo (a cool idea, but really, it's the same as petting a dog), a Serval (a lesser cat species), a Fennec (desert fox, smallest of all fox species), and there was a Binturong (aka bearcat) hanging out on my shoulders for a while. He was going from person to person on their shoulders like we were trees... it was funny. There was also a Civet, an Armadillo, a big Leopard Tortoise, and a Screech Owl. They weren't animals that are on display at the Zoo, the promotions department takes animals given to them from other zoos and stuff and raises them for a while and uses them in presentations like this one, and on talk shows and stuff like that. I guess once they grow up they give them back to whoever they got them from. So they travel all over the country, and they said that when they stay at hotels the animals come with them. So like if they have penguins with them, they'll be hanging out in the bathtub in the room, and they'll have other animals running around in the room. That would be funny to see... The Fennec was the guy's favorite he said, and he kept going on about how it had a little stuffed duck that it loved to play with and took everywhere, so finally he just let it out of the cage and gave it the duck. So there was this tiny little fox running all over the room making squeaking noises and carrying a little yellow stuffed duck in it's mouth. It was funny... Well as I'm sure you're all laughing by now about how big of a nerd I am, and my dinner is ready, I'm going to go eat and watch TV. I was on campus for 12 damn hours today and I'm tired. Later.

  - Insert Clever Title Here -

Fuck OSU and their peice of shit wireless network.... OK sorry, had to get that out. It took me forever to get connected and then it kept booting me off after like 2 minutes. Hopefully it'll let me stay on this time. And now that I'm on, I have nothing to do really... maybe I'll play some poker. Or I suppose I could read that article need to read before English class... either way, screw you guys... I have other stuff to do.

*** Monday, February 06, 2006 ***
  - Ok so it wasn't that bad... -

So today wasn't such a bad day after all.... despite the chilly weather. For some reason I was in a better mood after english class than I was before. It's usually the opposite. And a spontaneous discussion about robins of all things ended up with me learning something new. They get their cue to migrate from the lengthening/shortening daylight hours, and the males come back first to stake out a claim to a nesting site before their women come back. But it has nothing to do with the weather, or it actually being spring, and sometimes they come back north when it's still really wintery. So sometimes they end up starving to death if they can't find food once they get back to their nesting areas. If it was me, I would just stay where it's nice year round. Makes more sense to me... I like to anthropomorphize and make fun of animals sometimes.... it's funny. But anyway, I saw a whole bunch of male robins today, but I'm sure they can find some stuff to eat somewhere.

And then I got a big sub from Jersey Mike's for dinner. So I'm happy now. Ok well now I'm going to watch tv for the rest of the night and try to go to bed early.

  - What a horrible horrible day -

Yes I'm complaining about the weather again.... get over it. It's cold as fuck and windy. I don't mind cold at all, unless it's windy. Then I hate it with a passion. Makes me want to drop everything and go live in the tropics on a banana plantation or something. It doesn't help that the Steelers won the Superbowl and I'm stuck here at school all day. Ah well. Will be over soon and I will be safe once more back in my little apartment with my cat.

*** Friday, February 03, 2006 ***
  - Sign This or I Will Never Talk To You Again! -

This is a petition to ban rattlesnake roundups in New Mexico. Please, everyone go here and read and sign it. It'll take you about 2 minutes. Rattlesnake roundups make me sick. Hundreds upon hundreds of snakes are cruelly collected, tortured, and killed in front of children and cheering audiences. I have no idea how these can even still be legal. It just goes to show you how the general population views snakes and how uninformed they are about them. So take the time to sign it, and pass it on to other people if you can. Thanks.


*** Thursday, February 02, 2006 ***

I got the news this morning that my Grandpa died. Well, basically my Grandpa. He was married to my Dad's Mom after my real Grandpa died, but I never knew him, so this was who I knew as Grandpa on my Dad's side. He had a mild heart attack a while ago, so he was put into a nursing home, but his health continued to go downhill, and he passed away yesterday. He was 93.

I don't really like to think about death, and I don't really know how to react to it. It makes me feel selfish. The only time I really feel sad about it is if it was someone or something that I am going to miss. If someone I don't know dies, I couldn't care less. But really, what else is there to be sad about? You can't pity a dead person, whether you believe in an afterlife or not. If there is one, and they went to Heaven, then that should be a good thing, right? If they went to Hell, then they must deserve to be there. If you don't believe in an afterlife, then they're just plain dead, not sitting around wishing they were still alive or anything like that. Everyone and everything will die. It's a necessary part of life.

The part that I hate to think about though is the dying part. If you have few minutes or more where you realize you're going to die, that has to suck. I can't imagine what really goes through a person's head when they start slipping away and it hits them that it's all over. It's probably much easier for people who have had a long full life, but it is really sad to think about a young person having to realize they're dying. Unless they deserve it. Then I don't feel bad at all. And I always feel sad when an animal dies, because they never deserve it.

Well I'm done thinking about this. Death isn't something I want to concern myself with until it happens.

"Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome."
-Isaac Asimov (1920 - 1992)

"Think not disdainfully of death, but look on it with favor; for even death is one of the things that Nature wills."
-Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121 AD - 180 AD)

"Death is nothing to us, since when we are, death has not come, and when death has come, we are not."
-Epicurus (341 BC - 270 BC)

"The fear of death is more to be dreaded than death itself."
-Publilius Syrus (100 BC)

"As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death."
-Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)

*** Wednesday, February 01, 2006 ***
  - just some more pointless ramblings -

Well well well.... here we are again.... another day, same old shit. This quarter is turning out to be exceptionally boring. I hate GEC classes. But praise from teachers seems to keep my spirits up. As you may have read in the comments from the last post I decided to join the school Zoology club and make an attempt at being social and meeting some people. I just hope they're not all a bunch of weird nerds. Even though I'm a nerd, there's a line you can cross into being TOO much of one, and I don't really want to hang out with people like that. But they look like a fun group of people. And supposedly at the meetings they usually have guests that bring animals with them. The meeting next week will have the Columbus Zoo's Promotions department bringing a bunch of animals to show off, so that should be cool.

I need to work on not being such a procrastinator. I tend to put off everything if I can. Even little things like getting my mail. The mailbox is about 30 yards from my apartment, but apparently walking that extra distance is just too much, so I only check it about twice a week. Actually it's mostly just little shit like that that I really put off doing. I've gotten much better about getting school projects started early and not doing them at the last minute. I just hate having to spend energy on pointless menial tasks that interrupt my peaceful daily routine.

I have to get started on transcribing that interview with Mr. Earl. It has to be done by Monday, and the Superbowl is this weekend. Not that the game will take up the whole day, but I'd rather be done with everything by Sunday so I don't have to worry about anything. And I have a feeling it will take quite a while to transcribe the whole thing. Anyways.... I gots to go, so I'll catch you all later.

"I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority. " -E. B. White-

A place for me to talk about all the fascinating things going on in my boring world. Read it and like it, or go to Hell.

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