The Boring World of Goob

*** Tuesday, May 30, 2006 ***
  - Should I call him Alvin? -

Earlier today I was sitting outside on my porch reading and I saw a little chipmunk. Then all of a sudden he disappeared into a hole under the porch.... but every once in a while he would come out and look around for a while, and as soon as I moved or something he would disappear back into his hole. So I guess I have a new friend. I'm thinking he was the one digging in the dirt in my lemon tree, which I had blamed on the squirrels..... Anyways.... I don't really see many chipmunks around here, so I think it's pretty cool. Maybe I'll leave him some little snacks or something.

*** Saturday, May 27, 2006 ***
  - Driving in Rain? Me? -

I know that I've mentioned before that every time I drive more than a few miles it has to be in a torrential downpour.... and today was no different. I was driving home to Cincy for the weekend, and of course it had to be in a big rain storm..... So what do you do in situations like this? Take the time to get out the camera and endanger yourself further by taking a picture......

Driving in Rain? Me?, originally uploaded by Gooberam.


*** Thursday, May 25, 2006 ***
  - Feels Like Summer -

Yeah that's right, it's damn hot out today.... well it's in the mid-eighties, and it feels damn hot to me, with all the sun and whatnot... anyways, I took some pictures with my film camera and had them put on a cd instead of getting prints..... so I thought I would throw a cute picture of Ethelinda up here to share.

Ethelinda, originally uploaded by Gooberam.


*** Wednesday, May 24, 2006 ***
  - Man I'm Lame -

So yeah.... you may have noticed I haven't had anything interesting to Blog about in quite a while. It's been pretty boring around here, at least from a "what would other people want to hear about" standpoint. I spend all day procrastinating my schoolwork while I watch Tv and listen to music, and then complain because I'm up till one in the morning finishing my homework. But I guess that's just me.... that's the only way I know how to do things...

Well I'll be going to Cincy this weekend, so maybe something interesting will happen that I can write about and feel like I still actually do stuff... But that's all I have for now.

  - An Interesting Tidbit of News.... -

*** Monday, May 22, 2006 ***
  - Only Eight More Days of Class -

Just have to finish this week and then four days next week, and then classes are over. Then finals of course, but finals week isn't too bad.

*** Saturday, May 20, 2006 ***
  - Happy Saturday Everyone.... -

What a glorious thing it is to sit around and do absolutely nothing.... actually it gets kind of old after a while. But now it looks like SIB and I will be going to a baseball game tonight. Not the Reds, as they're in Detroit, but the Columbus Clippers, a AAA team. So that should be interesting.... I've never been to a minor league game. Maybe I'll take some pictures to share. Then tomorrow I get to study up on trig functions for my math midterm on Tuesday... unlike the first half of the quarter this isn't something I already know really well, so I actually have to practice it a bit.

Well my countdown clock in the corner is now also for the release of David Bazan's debut solo album...(Pedro the Lion is no more)... So the 13th of June looks like it's going to be a good day...

Alright.... I have to get some rats out to thaw for my babies and tidy up the place a little bit. It's a gorgeous day today, so it should be a great evening for a ballgame. Have a good weekend everyone....

*** Thursday, May 18, 2006 ***
  - It's Typical -

I didn't have any homework or studying keeping me up tonight, and I thought it would be nice to get to bed a little earlier and get a full night's sleep. But of course I can't fall asleep... Hooray.

*** Wednesday, May 17, 2006 ***
  - One of My Big Fat Babies -

Blood on the Countertop, originally uploaded by Gooberam.


  - Yeah, I'm still alive -

Wow, a whole week without a post. I've been getting through the last half of this quarter "a day at a time" as they say in AA, and I didn't realize I hadn't posted in so long. This quarter, well actually just chemistry class, has really been wearing on my self-esteem, which I don't like. I've always been "the smart kid", but I think I may have met my match with Chem. Of course if I put a little more effort into it I probably wouldn't have any problems, but I've never had to put much effort into my studies and I'm not used to it. I don't want to have to read and study when I get home from school, the reason I go to school is for them to teach me stuff. When I get home I want to relax and watch the telly and play with my snakes. But it looks like my selfish laziness is going to bite me in the ass.... I just hope I don't have to retake the class, because that would really piss me off.

On a lighter note, the Latin midterm today went well I think (I hope), so I feel pretty good about that. We've gotten to the point where the sentences don't translate as literally anymore, which makes it a little tougher, but it gives you more freedom to make it sound good in English, which is fun. You just have to be able to recognize the Latin constructions and remember ways of rephrasing them in English. The next two quarters are mostly all reading Latin and translating passages. I love translating stuff, it's like a puzzle you have to figure out, like those cryptoquip things I always used to do in the paper, but more fun. Can I do that for a living? Just solve puzzles and brain-teasers? I think I could handle that.

Well that's all I have time for today. I'll try not to go another week before posting again. Have fun everyone.......

*** Wednesday, May 10, 2006 ***
  - It's that time again -

Round Two of midterms is coming up soon.... though this time they're spread out more, so I won't feel like I'm trying to study for all three at once...

There's people setting up for a blood drive just down the hall from me..... the chairs look comfy and the food looks good, but they're not getting any of my damn blood.... I made it... I'm keeping it.

I think I'll quit school and become a musician..... ok, maybe not, but every time I hear a great new band it makes me want to... too bad I can't play any instruments very well or write songs....

One of the maple seeds I planted has sprouted into a little seedling.... I hope it survives.... no apple trees yet though.

I love the smell of chemical fertilizers for some reason.... whenever I pass a grassy are that has just been fertilized I can always tell, and it smells really good. But the smell of new mulch makes me sick....

I have no pool at my apartment complex that I can go swimming at over the summer.... that sucks. I like going swimming.

Well today has been blog-your-random-thought day if you didn't notice. Maybe I'll add some more later.... I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, which now that I think about it, wasn't really all that much, so I hope you enjoyed it more than I did. Later..... -goob-

*** Monday, May 08, 2006 ***
  - A Mini-Adventure -

Mike was in Columbus today and stopped by to hang out for a bit this evening. So we went to the Griggs Reservoir Park on the Scioto river a couple miles from my apartment to check it out. Nothing special, but it was fun to explore a little bit. Check out my Flickr page for more pictures.

Scioto River, originally uploaded by Gooberam.


  - Happy Birthday Blog..... -

Yup, The Boring World of Goob is one year old today......

*** Wednesday, May 03, 2006 ***
  - My Quest for a Tree..... -

Most of the people that know me probably know that I have a habit of planting seeds that I find and trying to grow trees out of them. Ever since we were at OU, and me and Mike took some plastic cups out of the recycling bins and dug up some dirt and planted some maple seeds we found on campus. Since then I've had a couple of maple tree seedlings which have all died eventually, and a few lemon trees from seeds I got out of lemons at Pizza Hut. I gave a few of those away, and I don't know what happened to them, but the one I have is still alive, but not really growing at all. But the point is.... of all the times I've tried to grow a tree, I haven't really succeeded yet. They always seem to meet some unfortunate end, like getting fried if they get left out in the sun during the summer, or getting eaten by bugs or something. And it makes me mad, because I want a damn tree, but not one that I bought.... I want to start it from a seed.

So I'm starting a new attempt. I'm trying some apple seeds.... though I don't know how well that will work. They won't grow unless you refrigerate them for a couple months so they think they went through winter and it's springtime. I would like to have an apple tree though..... But to be safe I picked up some more maple tree seeds I found while I was sitting around waiting for the bus today.... So I planted some of them, now I just have to wait and see if anything decides to grow. One of these days though, I'm going to have a tree and plant it outside and build a treehouse in it.... and I'll play in it when I'm about 80 years old....

*** Tuesday, May 02, 2006 ***
  - My Leg Hurts -

Hello people who may happen to be reading..... it's time for another installment of boring updates on the life of Goob.....

As the title suggests, my leg doesn't feel too great right now. When we were tossing the frisbee around on Saturday there was a couple times when I stretched a muscle in my leg a little farther than it really wanted to go.... the odd thing is that it didn't get sore and start to hurt until Sunday afternoon, and by that evening it was even worse. So now I'm walking around campus very carefully, trying not to make it any worse, and trying not to look like a gimp limping around.....

I'm a big baseball fan this season.... and yes Mike, you can take credit for it if you want to.... not only are the Reds a helluva lot of fun to watch so far this season, but it gives me something to distract me from school when I don't want to think about aqueous solutions and passive periphrastic participles anymore.... It also reminds me of being a kid and playing baseball and all that. Lately I'm a sucker for good old fashioned americana like baseball and backyard cookouts and stuff. But Columbus has a AAA team, so I was thinking about catching a game sometime to see what it's like. I can't always make it home to go to a Reds game.... but I don't have anyone up here to go to a game with anyways.... so I guess it doesn't really matter. You can get good seats really cheap though.....

Well that's all for now.... I'm afraid I've run out of time. So enjoy your days everyone, and I'll be back again some other time.....

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Location: Columbus, Ohio

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