- It's that time again -
Round Two of midterms is coming up soon.... though this time they're spread out more, so I won't feel like I'm trying to study for all three at once...
There's people setting up for a blood drive just down the hall from me..... the chairs look comfy and the food looks good, but they're not getting any of my damn blood.... I made it... I'm keeping it.
I think I'll quit school and become a musician..... ok, maybe not, but every time I hear a great new band it makes me want to... too bad I can't play any instruments very well or write songs....
One of the maple seeds I planted has sprouted into a little seedling.... I hope it survives.... no apple trees yet though.
I love the smell of chemical fertilizers for some reason.... whenever I pass a grassy are that has just been fertilized I can always tell, and it smells really good. But the smell of new mulch makes me sick....
I have no pool at my apartment complex that I can go swimming at over the summer.... that sucks. I like going swimming.
Well today has been blog-your-random-thought day if you didn't notice. Maybe I'll add some more later.... I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, which now that I think about it, wasn't really all that much, so I hope you enjoyed it more than I did. Later..... -goob-