The Boring World of Goob

*** Monday, May 16, 2005 ***
  - Too Much Drama -

I really love when all my friends fight over stupid shit. Maybe having a message board for everyone to post messages on and keep in touch was a bad idea, since certain people can't read very well and misinterpret everything as an attack on them, and then post back with an extremely uncalled for attack on the first person with shit that has nothing to do with anything at all. All it's really doing is getting everyone really pissed off at each other (myself included), for shit that would never get that outta hand if the two people were actually talking. It's interesting what people will say when they're sitting in front of a computer typing instead of actually talking. Someone should do some research on that or something, cause I love when you see people in chat rooms that you can tell is some 13 year old punk kid that weighs 90 lbs and he's saying he's going to kick the shit out of everyone in the room. Why? Why threaten someone over a computer? Because you know you'll never actually see them so you can say whatever the fuck you want. That's all fine in some random chat room (albeit it's very annoying) but when it's friends getting drunk and insulting each other for no reason that's just stupid. So if you all read this I won't be posting in "Labor Monkees" till everyone calms down and stops being retarded.

okay... i think we should all just get our own damn blogs...
that is why i wanted to dismantel it in the first place... though mike did warn us that it was a bad idea to put a computer infront of his hands...
just got off work-its almost four- and I am too f-ing wired to go to bed...
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