The Boring World of Goob

*** Tuesday, December 02, 2008 ***
  - I forgot I even had a blog -

it took me a while to even remember my login name and password.....

*** Thursday, October 05, 2006 ***
  - Waterfall after a storm -

, originally uploaded by -goob-.

This is the same waterfall in the Nature Preserve down the street that I took some pictures of earlier this summer, just with a lot more water. They're also fixing the place up, putting in a paved sidewalk from the parking lot, stairs going down the hill so you don't have to climb down a muddy hill, and a walkway with an observation deck by the waterfall. Oh and it looks like they're putting in a deck up at the top of the waterfall too.

What else is going on you ask? School is boring, work is boring, but I love fall and it's really pretty out. That's about it.


*** Friday, September 22, 2006 ***
  - 25 -

Well I've managed to stay alive for a quarter of a century, with the help of my family, friends, some doctors, the people at the treatment center, and a crazy guy named Joe. Now here I sit at school doing nothing because my dumb ass came in for my physics lab not knowing that the labs don't start until next week. Oh well. It seems the highlight of my birthday will be a nap that I plan on taking when I get home, and before I head off to deliver some pizzas to ungrateful bastards.

As much as I hate hearing my alarm go off in the morning, and walking out the door into the cold morning to wait for the bus, I suppose in a way it feels good to be back on campus in an academic atmosphere. Though people here seem more concerned with the football game each Saturday than academics.... And of course at the start of Fall quarter you can spot the freshmen a mile away. The scrawney little young looking ones walking around with schedules and campus maps in hand looking confused as they make their way to their first college classes. Funny but a bit annoying sometimes.

Well I don't really have anything else to talk about at the moment, so I guess that's all for now. I'm sure there will be more to come as classes get going and I have something to bitch about. So in the words of Al Gore, "peace out y'all"

*** Tuesday, September 19, 2006 ***
  - Hooray for Pictures -

Obligatory Park Sign Photo, originally uploaded by -goob-.

Pictures are up on Flickr of this past weekend's camping trip. I had to get away and do something fun before school started up again, so SIB and I spent a couple of days at Lake Hope State Park, in Vinton county, not far from Athens. It wasn't the most exciting place in the world, but it was pretty fun and it was good to get out camping again.

School starts tomorrow, so once my brain starts working again and I'm actually doing stuff I'll probably start blogging more. I just didn't have much to say over the summer and didn't feel like wasting time and space writing about nothing.


*** Monday, September 04, 2006 ***
  - R.I.P. Steve Irwin -

When I first heard the news last night I was completely shocked. But I was too tired at the moment to give it much thought, I just went to bed feeling a little sad. Today I read through several news reports about the accident, as well as tons of messages sent in by people to say how much he meant to them. And it really started to sink in that he was gone. And I also realized how much that crazy Australian guy made a difference in my life. Sure, he could be a little obnoxious on the show sometimes, but what I saw was someone who was more passionate about animals and conservation than anyone else I have ever seen. And someone who built up a little reptile park into a very large successful Zoo visited by people from all over the world. He was a huge inspiration to me and a big reason that I decided to major in Zoology and work at a Zoo when I could easily do something more financially rewarding. I can't think of anyone else who has done so much to educate the masses about conservation and the beauty of reptiles and other "dangerous" animals as he did, and it's horribly sad that he won't be around to continue doing so. It's hard to imagine a world without Steve Irwin.

I also feel very bad for his kids. He was an incredibly proud father, but his son will grow up only knowing his Dad from watching him on TV. But I suppose you could say it's good that he died doing something he loved. Although I don't think a freak accident with a stingray is a death worthy of the great Croc Hunter. He should have gone out trying to capture a 35 foot crocodile that was about to eat someone, or something great like that. I just hope people don't use this accident as an excuse to criticize him for getting too close to the animals and pull out the old "I told you so" thing. He was a great person who contributed an immeasurable amount to animal conservation and education. And I, for one, will miss him, even though I've never met him.

*** Saturday, August 26, 2006 ***
  - Smelly -

Smelly, originally uploaded by Gooberam.


  - Leatherlips -

Leatherlips, originally uploaded by Gooberam.


*** Tuesday, August 22, 2006 ***
  - Campus -

North Oval, originally uploaded by Gooberam.


*** Monday, August 14, 2006 ***
  - Yesterday's adventure -

Pickerington Ponds Metro Park. Not really very interesting, but supposedly it's a great birding place. Too bad I don't really care much for birdwatching.

Ellis Pond, originally uploaded by Gooberam.


*** Saturday, August 12, 2006 ***
  - A Trip to the Cemetery -

My day off this week was a rainy, gloomy day, so I took a trip to a cemetery that I always pass on the bus and always thought about visiting. Union Cemetery, founded 1806. Nothing too spectacular there though, no super cool creepy gravestones or ghosts.....

, originally uploaded by Gooberam.


*** Tuesday, August 08, 2006 ***
  - Fun With Plastic Cameras -

A double exposure shot I took with my new Holga. Check out the rest HERE

Double Exposure, originally uploaded by Gooberam.


*** Wednesday, August 02, 2006 ***
  - A fun game to play.... -

Step one: Get yourself a cat that likes to eat bugs.

Step two: Turn on your porchlight.

Step three: Go outside and catch one of the moths flying around the porchlight.

Step four: Show it to the cat and let it go in your apartment.

Step five: Laugh hilariously as the cat tears around the apartment chasing the moth, knocking over lamps and anything else that gets in the way.

Step six: Cringe a little when the cat finally manages to catch the moth and eats it with a look of great delight.

*** Tuesday, July 25, 2006 ***
  - Here you go.... -


*** Sunday, July 23, 2006 ***
  - Fun Stuff -

I found a really cool new place just down the street. I went out to explore and take some pictures at this little nature preserve over by the river. I wasn't expecting much, I figured it was probably just a little trail through the woods by the river or something, but I was very surprised. It goes along a little creek with big solid rock cliffs going up both sides, and to a big waterfall down one of the cliffs. The kind of place where you can go and just sit there all day and watch it and relax and think about stuff. It would have been much nicer if there weren't other people around, but I guess dusk on a Sunday night is a good time to hang out there. Anyways, I took a bunch of pictures, but I took my film camera, so if you want to see it you'll have to wait until I get them developed.

  - I knew it would happen -

Friday night I went in for my first real night of work, and I was there for less than five minutes when my phone rang. I answered it, and of course it was Papa Johns seeing if I was still looking for a job. I applied there first because it was where I wanted to work, but they wait until I found another job to call me..... bastards. Not a big deal though, the store I'm working at is fine. It's not a very busy store, but that just means they have less drivers working. Saturday night it was just me and one other driver.... and I don't think we had any deliveries that took more than 40-45 minutes. And tips are pretty good, so I think I'll make enough money to get by. Well that's all for now.... I'm off today so I need to go grocery shopping, and maybe I'll go out and take some pictures somewhere.....

*** Thursday, July 20, 2006 ***
  - I'm back..... - the blogging world..... after a bit of a break.

So I suppose things are returning to relatively normal again. For a while there all I did was sit around watching Tv and try not to spend any money, since I didn't really have any. But tonight was my first day at work, delivering for Domino's again. All I did tonight though was ride around with one of the other drivers for a while and learn the area some. It looks like parts of the area are pretty shady, so I'll probably end up getting robbed before the summer's over. That should be fun. The manager and the other people I met seem nice enough, so I don't think it'll be a bad place to work. They were all standing around making fun of each other, and it seems like a pretty relaxed place to work. My Pa is finally home from the hospital, but last I heard he was still on oxygen so he can't get around a whole lot. But hopefully he'll be better soon. Him being in the hospital was reminding us all of where I was two years ago... not something I really like thinking about if I don't have to. I don't care to see the inside of a hospital again for a long time...

But my two year anniversary is coming up soon, which I think is kind of a big deal. When I first got back to Ohio and started going to AA meetings, it seemed like getting one year of sobriety was so far off that it would never happen. But here I am at two years and it doesn't really seem like it's been that difficult. I wish I could say that I don't really even think about it anymore, but that's not true. Little stuff all the time reminds me of my drinking days. And I suppose it's best to keep it stuck there in the back of my head and not forget what it was like.....

Well my dinner is ready, so I'm off to eat. Hope everyone is well and all that junk.

*** Tuesday, July 11, 2006 ***
  - What I Need -

I could really use a good rainy day right now.... not just a 15 minute storm in between periods of sunshine, but one of those rain-and-drizzle-all-day rainy days. I don't know why but it seems like that cheer me up a bit right now. The forecast for tomorrow is heavy thunderstorms, so I should get some rain, even it's not all day...

I watched the MLB's Home Run Derby tonight, and it was actually rather amusing. I think the best part was watching all the kayakers fighting over the balls that were hit out of the park and into the river (and there were quite a few). It's amazing how desperate people are to get a damn baseball....

Well I think I'll be off to bed now. Goodnight.

*** Sunday, July 09, 2006 ***
  - I made a new friend..... -

The problem is he's just as boring as I am.... and he picks his nose a lot.....

Gross, originally uploaded by Gooberam.


  - I really need something to do...... -

So you may be wondering what I've been up to lately... and the answer is not much. I've filled out a couple applications for jobs, but no job yet. Admittedly I haven't been trying as hard as I could, but I wanted to wait and see if I got a call from any of the places I wanted to work before I go to the places I'm not so excited about working at....

So I've been spending my days not being able to sleep at night, and not wanting to get out of bed when I wake up.... and spending a lot of time looking at lots of cool pictures on Flickr and wishing I could afford a digital SLR.... and that's about it.

So tomorrow it's back out to fill out more applications, so I'll let you know when I find a job and finally get out of my apartment and do something.....

*** Monday, July 03, 2006 ***
  - Justice.... -

Whenever I'm driving on the highway and someone goes flying by me unnecessarily fast, I always think to myself that it would be great to see them pulled over a few miles down the road.... but I never seem to get my wish. But as I was driving back to Columbus today it finally happened. I was going 75 as usual, and got into the left lane to pass someone.... and in the thirty seconds that I was in the left lane this Pontiac Aztec (ugly-as SUV) comes flying up out of nowhere and gets right on my ass, and once I got back over in the right lane they went zooming by going about 95. A few miles later, they were on the side of the road with a highway patrolman writing them a ticket.... ha ha ha ha ha..... asshole....

*** Saturday, July 01, 2006 ***
  - Smelly trying to hide -

She thinks she's sneaky, but I know all her hiding spots.....

Smelly trying to hide, originally uploaded by Gooberam.


*** Thursday, June 29, 2006 ***
  - New Blog -

I finally decided that my Evolution Blog was a dumb idea, since I never post anything on it. So in it's place I made a Blog for updates and pictures of my snakes. I thought it would be cool to have a place where people can see their progress as they grow and stuff, and then once I start breeding them I'll have all the info and stuff up there. Check it out Here

*** Tuesday, June 27, 2006 ***
  - Soooo.... -

So Abs has gone back to merry old England, and it's back to being just me and Smelly again..... so I guess this is kind of the real start of my normal summer break. First thing on the list of things to do.... get a job. I managed to save just enough money to pay my upcoming bills, so I have to work enough to keep myself fed and make enough to pay the bills the rest of the summer... should be fun. Maybe I'll get lucky and meet some cool people wherever I end up working.

I guess I'll be coming home to Cincy this weekend for 4th of July weekend... so for any of my friends in Cincinnati who may be reading this, maybe I'll see you then........

A place for me to talk about all the fascinating things going on in my boring world. Read it and like it, or go to Hell.

My Photo
Location: Columbus, Ohio

Not much that I can say that you can't figure out by reading my blog, so have at it...... feel free to leave comments....


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