The Boring World of Goob

*** Thursday, September 29, 2005 ***
  - School and Other Stuff -

So anyway.... here's an update on school and everything. I'm back down to four classes and one lab. I went ahead and dropped chemistry, which I added after I dropped psych, since I realized that I don't really need a fifth class, and it would make my life about 10 times easier. So now I have tuesdays off, and just my Biology lab on thursdays, which is still 3 hours long. Mon. Wed. Fri. I have Math, Physics, and "Age of Dinosaurs", then a two hour break, and finally my Biology lecture class. This way I get to sleep in on tuesday and thursday.

So for my birthday I got an iPod. I have to say it's pretty damn cool. I've already ripped all my cds onto my computer (took me 3 full evenings of sitting at my computer for hours), and put all of them plus all the mp3s I had on my computer onto the iPod. It's amazing, all that music only took up about 1/3 of the space on the thing. It's 2140 songs. If you listened to it for 24 hours a day it would take over 4 days to go through every song. And I put some pictures on it too, since they combined the regular iPod and the photo iPod into one now.
In order to listen to it in the car though, I bought a little FM transmitter thing that you plug into the iPod and it puts the music out on an FM frequency. You just tune your car radio to that frequency and viola, any album I want without the hassle of trying to flip through my cd case and find the cd and then put the other cd away and get the new one in all while driving down the highway in rush hour traffic. The sound quality isn't perfect since it's on an FM radio frequency, but it sounds pretty good.

Well...... that's about it I suppose, I think I'm going to go get a snack. I haven't eaten yet today. Ok well have fun everyone, I'll post something interesting if it ever happens. -chris-

yes it is... that's the first spam I got..... I was hoping my blog was so boring people wouldn't bother, but I guess it didn't work. oh and BTW, YOU'RE a jmsas hole.
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