The Boring World of Goob

*** Monday, October 03, 2005 ***
  - Well I am Quite Bored....... -

I'm posting this from the Geology/Math/Physics library at school, on my 2 hour break between classes with nothing to do. I could do some math homework but I don't feel like it, and I can't read because I don't bring my heavy ass textbooks with me to class. Sometimes I just walk around campus, just going in circles looking at all the people until I get bored and sick of walking. Which is probably what I'll do after I get bored of being here. Had my first math test today, which I believe went pretty well. Oh thank god, the lady sitting next to me finally left. I hate using computers next to other people. Speaking of god, today 2 of my professors were talking about evolution in class today. Not really talking about it, it just sort of came up somehow. In physics, the professor was talking about scientific theories, and explaining that they have to be testable, and if you test it and it doesn't pan out, you just throw out the theory. So he was saying how the whole evolution/intelligent design debate or science/religion debate bothers him, since evolution is a scientific theory, and intelligent design is not. You can't debate the two, because evolution is a testable scientific theory, but intelligent design is not testable, it cannot be supported or falsified by scientific means. It's a faith issue which is completely separate. But it was funny the way he said it at first, he came across sounding pretty anti-religious. He said "Evolution is a scientific theory, and intelligent design is just made up." Of course he went and explained that he's not against religion and came from 5 generations of Lutheran ministers and all that, but I thought it was cool the way he originally said it. Then in Dino class we were actually learning about evolution, or at least how life evolved through the fossil record. And the professor was just saying that you can't really deny that evolution is real, because you can look at the rocks under your feet and see how things evolved over time. Which of course you can keep separate from human evolution if you really wanted to believe that we were created in god's image. But I don't see how there could be a fossil record of all these organisms evolving if creationism were true, even though some people seem to think it's possible (mostly creationists desperately trying to explain away any evidence against it). Well now I'm just rambling. I think I can safely say that I am an atheist. I try to remain open to any possibilities that there may be something else out there, but if there is anything else, I don't think it's any kind of universal creator or anything like that. I don't think I could believe in a god if I really tried. At least never REALLY believe in one. I could say I did, which I think is what most people do, but when you really get down to it I don't think it makes any sense at all. If I want to be a scientist I have to look at things scientifically, and there is no scientific evidence for either creationism/intelligent design, or for a god. So the last thing I'm going to say on the subject is that I don't have a problem with religion in general, though I do think people should keep it to themselves, not force it on other people or use it in government policies or legislature. Like my physics professor said, it's a matter of faith, and should be left that way. I don't think any good comes out of the religion/science debate. I've had it personally with a number of religious people, and the only thing that happens is both sides get really pissed off and neither one is swayed. Well this turned out a little longer that I expected. It's not often that I just sit down and write with no plan or no reason. I've heard free-writing is supposed to be good for you, but look what I've done with it. He he he he he.......... Ok I think that's enough for now..... or maybe I'll think of something else to write about later and start all over again...... who knows.... maybe I'll do this every Monday Wednesday and Friday between 11 and 1.

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