- Happy Halloween -I wanted to post something interesting today, but really, I got nothin. I'm not really a big fan of Halloween these days. I don't think giving a bunch of candy to children in a country where half the population is overweight is a good idea. So instead a picture of Smelly sleeping on my bed.
Oh lord yes, wait! Fuck that let the kiddies munch down on sweets so much so that they die! Come on we need soaring taxes due to obesity in medicaid/care... Let insurance rise too costly due to the fat asses as they choke on their Hershey bars... Yeah! Personally, I just think you no longer like Halloween cause it's socially unacceptable to trick-or-treat anymore... pretty soon we'll have our own places and will be socially nudged to go out and buy candy on our own for a populace that couldn't give a fuck about us (and their children) showing up every Oct 31st on our doorstep... the idea makes me sick... though that feeling could be coming from all the candy-corn I ate last night... so, i dunno... I got nothin'
say, by the way, I hope your orientation was swell...
Actually, I don't really care about trick-or-treating. Or about dressing up. I think it's stupid. All I cared about as a kid was the candy, and if I had to dress up to get it, then so be it. As far as getting candy for kids when I have my own house, it makes me sick also, but I'll probably do it, since kids do enjoy it and I don't want to be the one to take away innocent enjoyment from the little kids, even if I do hate them all.