The Boring World of Goob

*** Tuesday, October 25, 2005 ***
  - Studying is Fun! -

Oh wait.... no, it's not, it's boring. But must be done anyway.

meh, studying is overrated...
I think getting by...
wait, scratch that...
I think the true test is seeing how well one does when they don't study...
hence my whole educated career...

not too shabby if you me... but then I can't say either way cause I forgot to study for that question...

I mean let's face it... what does studying for a test do but add quick information for a short term basis...
If that information is not used on a regular basis, like most information one receives in school, then that information is lost by the brain to make room for new short term memories...
Our education system is a crock of shit, a scam to get into the wallet-books of America. I mean how else are these poor, poor professor's going to make their money? People who have dedicated their whole lives to knowledge??? what the hell is that... under antique circumstances, these guys would never be able to bring home to bacon. No, our education system makes us take a whole series of unnecessary courses, under the guise of making their students better rounded people. But in truth, all the shit these kids end up paying for will not likely be retained one, two, maybe five years after they leave school. It is a scam.

Who knew that such a tiny sentence could spawn so much response...
weird how my mind works...
I guess the less one writes, the more open to interpretation by the audience...
Reminds me of a line from a Bright Eyes song,
"My teachers they built this retaining wall memory,
All those multiple choices I answered so quickly,
And got my grades back, and forgot just as easily,
But at least I got an A"

I agree our educational system is a crock of shit, that was my biggest problem with school for so long and why I hated it so much. I wanted to learn a profession and get a job, not spend 4-8 years in school learning about all kinds of useless crap that I'm not going to remember for more than a few months anyways... But no we have to be well rounded and take foreign languages and crap. That's the really stupid part, what the hell do I have to take 2 years of spanish for? I still don't speak spanish, what good did those 2 years do me? Just a waste of time. But it is funny, people spend many years in school getting their phd's and crap, and then they become...yup, professors, and pass on their knowledge to another generation of students, who will in turn become professors, and so on and so on. But if you really think about it it wouldn't really work any other way, I mean what would happen if everyone who wanted to just trained for what they wanted to be and went straight into the job market? There would be about 5 million people applying for every job. Ok I don't really know where I'm going with this anymore so I'm going to stop. You're right, one little sentence can start some shit...
Are there a lot of people in the zoology program at OSU?
just curious...

i may make a connection and I may not to the above topic...
Hell if I know....
"I mean what would happen if everyone who wanted to just trained for what they wanted to be and went straight into the job market?"
Which is the English education system for you. Which is why I am a journalist at 19.
Have it!
Well, the problem with that system is that everyone would be only specialized in one thing, and one thing only...
kinda the arguement of putting all your eggs in one basket...
i could divulge but it's getting on in the morning and I need to go to bed...
by the way Chris, how did you do (or think you did) on your exam...
I do actually agree with you tho'.
I'm really interested in loads of things, but know virtually nothing about them (sigh). And I actually hate being a journalist.
Which is why I'm planning on doing something else; yeah, one day
I guess you're talking about the Biology exam, she hasn't posted the official grades yet but she posted the answer key, and I missed 2 questions, so 95% again
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