The Boring World of Goob

*** Monday, November 28, 2005 ***
  - Stuff..... -

Blah blah blah.... I'm going to be like Mike and talk about nothing...... just kidding I'm just checking in to change the band of the moment. So now it's Death Cab For Cutie. I had only heard a little bit of their stuff until recently, but they have a video on TV that's really damn good, so I had to get the album. Which I did, and I like it obviously. So there you go.

There's not really much else interesting going on around here. School is almost done for the quarter.... then it'll be time to pack up and move. It looks like I'll be taking a trip down to Wilmington before school starts again in January. My friend Bonnie invited me to visit, since she's graduating after this quarter. Sarah will be out of town though, so I won't be seeing her this time.

That's all for now.... much more to come in the near future.

*** Wednesday, November 23, 2005 ***
  - I guess it's finally getting into winter... -

First snow of the season. I have mixed feelings about snow.... Sometimes it can be really pretty, but it's also a pain in the ass and gets your feet all wet and everything. I suppose if it's going to be this cold we might as well get some snow so it seems like winter and I don't feel so bad about sitting around the house doing nothing.

photo (c) goob


Ha ha ha.... Mike left his coat at my house and Smelly decided that it made a nice comfy bed. It's going to have cat hair all over it when he gets it back now....

photo (c) goob

*** Tuesday, November 15, 2005 ***
  - New Apartment -

Well I got an apartment today, so I know where I'll be living up in Columbus. I think it's pretty nice, they're all one story buildings, so no stairs. It's got an attic, and a utility room (aka snake room since I don't have a washer and dryer), and a little fenced patio outside. Ah, now I can't wait to move. Getting all set up in a new apartment is fun, and I can decorate it however I want. I'll be moving Dec. 15th, so anyone that wants to help move is welcome to, I know how much fun it is to help people move.


*** Monday, November 07, 2005 ***
  - Captains Log: Stardate Two Thousand and Something -

Back in the library once again...... Well let's see, what do we have to talk about today? The Bengals won again yesterday, it was a pretty good game. Since I'm moving to Columbus I thought I might start watching the Blue Jackets (Columbus NHL team), but I watched a few games and they really aren't that good. And what the hell is a Blue Jacket anyway? Seems like a pretty retarded name for a hockey team. So I think I'll continue being a Hurricanes fan, and hope to one day move back to North Carolina. It was nice living on the coast. There's some nice stuff around here, but really the weather in the midwest is what bugs me the most. I'd take the ocean and hot weather over the winters here any day.
I'm reading a book I found in my basement called "The Strawberry Statement: Notes of a College Revolutionary" or something like that. It's pretty interesting so far, even though it was written by a nineteen year old kid in 1968, and I think college kids who go to protests and rallies and call themselves "revolutionaries" are pretty silly. I suppose I used to sort of be like that back in my punk rock day, being vegetarian and listening to Jello Biafra's spoken word and reading ultra-liberal political pamphlets given to me by my friend Anna, and shit like that. But at least I realized that it's a waste of time and most of the people who are into that kind of stuff are hypocritical whiners who don't really understand the way things work. I'm not really going to go into a lot of detail here, but one thing that always bugged me especially were people who talk about getting rid of the government and "anarchy" and all that crap. I've never been one of those people, I always thought they were idiots. Yeah our government does get a little out of control sometimes, and I don't agree with everything they do, but also without government we wouldn't have this nice comfortable country to live in. No nice paved highways, no libraries, no public transportation, no police (and despite what some people might think, the police are not evil and we DO need them). So all you "anarchists" can go find some third world country to live in for a while and see how it is.
Dino class is finally getting relatively interesting, we're actually talking about dinosaurs and paleo-biology. Somehow I still almost fall asleep in class though, it's just something about the professor.
I can't really think of anything else to talk about. I get to sleep in tomorrow.... that's going to be nice. I think I should start writing, in some way or another. I like writing sometimes, I just never can think of anything to write about or get started on something. Maybe that'll be a project for once I move. I doubt I will have cable, and until I make some friends I'm going to be pretty bored. I guess it'll give me time to try some more creative hobbies. I should play guitar more, maybe I could try writing some songs. We'll have to see what happens once I have the time and privacy to play more (I'm very self-conscious about playing around other people). Alright, well I guess I'll go have a smoke and mosey on over to Old Chem for Biology. Hooray for cells and metabolism. Word.....

*** Sunday, November 06, 2005 ***
  - Band of the Moment -

I suppose it's time for a new band...... so let's see..... I think I'm going to have to go with Les Savy Fav. They're fun. I only have a few songs that I've downloaded, but it's really good. I like "Yawn Yawn Yawn", or "The Sweat Decends". Check it out.

*** Thursday, November 03, 2005 ***
  - Damn school and damn early sunsets...... -

Today was an absolutely gorgeous, perfect autumn day. Which I of course spent almost entirely in a laboratory filled will bacteria and microscopes and such. By the time I got home, I had about 1/2 an hour of sunlight left before it started getting dark. So the closest I came to getting to enjoy the weather was the mile I had to walk to and from my car to class. I wanted to take some pictures of all the fall colors but I didn't get a chance. Maybe tomorrow I can before I go to work. Anyways..... that's all for now.

*** Wednesday, November 02, 2005 ***
  - My First Trip to OSU -

Yesterday I went to OSU for the first time to attend orientation. Overall it went pretty well, although it was raining all day and was pretty miserable. As far as what I think of the school and how I'll feel about going there, there were some good things and bad things.

Good: I like the campus, even though it is very large. I guess I'll just have to get used to riding buses.

I'll only have to take 3 classes at a time, at least starting out. I'm sure I may end up with more eventually.

Bad: This one should have been pretty obvious to me, but for some reason I didn't even think about it. When you're going to a school and actually working towards a major, you have to take a lot of classes you don't really want to. So far in college, I've basically just been screwing around taking whatever I wanted to, because I never really had a major I was working towards. But now I have to take a bunch of dumb classes to fill all the GEC requirements, and because of my lack of math skills, I won't even get to start taking any biology classes until next year, or possible next summer. But that's Ok, I should be able to get a lot of the crap out of the way by then, and then I can work on all my major requirements.

I also stopped by an apartment that I had found online to see what it was like, and it was pretty nice. It's about a 10-15 minute drive from campus though, and I can't get a parking pass for on campus anyway. So I would have to park on west campus and take a shuttle bus onto main campus. I guess anywhere I live, as long as it's too far to walk, I'll have to take a bus. It just depends on whether it will be a shuttle from west campus, or COTA from wherever I live. Maybe I'll look into some places closer to campus that are on the busline. That brings up the main problem though. I've become a suburban snob these days, and I don't really want to live in a crappy apartment in the city. But I want to live close to where everything is going on, so I don't feel too separated from everything. Hmmmm.... what to do..... I suppose with cheaper rent in the city, it may just be better to live in a not-quite-as-nice place and just put up with the traffic and lack of scenery. Unless I can find a nice compromise.

I'm having trouble deciding on a language to take. Right now I'm signed up for Latin, which I figured would be a help since I'm a science major, and most scientific terms have Latin roots and all that, plus scientific names are in Latin. But it's not really a useful language as far as speaking it is concerned. I could stick with Spanish, which would be helpful if I ever visit a Spanish-speaking country, or quit school and get a job washing dishes in a restaurant or in construction. I wouldn't mind doing research down in South America someday, but I doubt I will ever get that far anyway. So I'm not sure what I should take........

Ok well that's enough for now, I suppose I'll go read or do something else boring for the rest of my break. I think I'm going computer shopping with my dad tonight. That should be fun. It would be nice to be able to sit in my bed and play on the computer. Especially with a couple papers I have to start typing pretty soon. Word........

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Location: Columbus, Ohio

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