The Boring World of Goob

*** Thursday, November 03, 2005 ***
  - Damn school and damn early sunsets...... -

Today was an absolutely gorgeous, perfect autumn day. Which I of course spent almost entirely in a laboratory filled will bacteria and microscopes and such. By the time I got home, I had about 1/2 an hour of sunlight left before it started getting dark. So the closest I came to getting to enjoy the weather was the mile I had to walk to and from my car to class. I wanted to take some pictures of all the fall colors but I didn't get a chance. Maybe tomorrow I can before I go to work. Anyways..... that's all for now.

so then, you get any pictures
nah..... you know how lazy I am.... I have a pretty good memory, I figured there's no point wasting time taking pictures when I could take a nap instead...
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