- Captains Log: Stardate Two Thousand and Something -Back in the library once again...... Well let's see, what do we have to talk about today? The Bengals won again yesterday, it was a pretty good game. Since I'm moving to Columbus I thought I might start watching the Blue Jackets (Columbus NHL team), but I watched a few games and they really aren't that good. And what the hell is a Blue Jacket anyway? Seems like a pretty retarded name for a hockey team. So I think I'll continue being a Hurricanes fan, and hope to one day move back to North Carolina. It was nice living on the coast. There's some nice stuff around here, but really the weather in the midwest is what bugs me the most. I'd take the ocean and hot weather over the winters here any day. I'm reading a book I found in my basement called "The Strawberry Statement: Notes of a College Revolutionary" or something like that. It's pretty interesting so far, even though it was written by a nineteen year old kid in 1968, and I think college kids who go to protests and rallies and call themselves "revolutionaries" are pretty silly. I suppose I used to sort of be like that back in my punk rock day, being vegetarian and listening to Jello Biafra's spoken word and reading ultra-liberal political pamphlets given to me by my friend Anna, and shit like that. But at least I realized that it's a waste of time and most of the people who are into that kind of stuff are hypocritical whiners who don't really understand the way things work. I'm not really going to go into a lot of detail here, but one thing that always bugged me especially were people who talk about getting rid of the government and "anarchy" and all that crap. I've never been one of those people, I always thought they were idiots. Yeah our government does get a little out of control sometimes, and I don't agree with everything they do, but also without government we wouldn't have this nice comfortable country to live in. No nice paved highways, no libraries, no public transportation, no police (and despite what some people might think, the police are not evil and we DO need them). So all you "anarchists" can go find some third world country to live in for a while and see how it is. Dino class is finally getting relatively interesting, we're actually talking about dinosaurs and paleo-biology. Somehow I still almost fall asleep in class though, it's just something about the professor. I can't really think of anything else to talk about. I get to sleep in tomorrow.... that's going to be nice. I think I should start writing, in some way or another. I like writing sometimes, I just never can think of anything to write about or get started on something. Maybe that'll be a project for once I move. I doubt I will have cable, and until I make some friends I'm going to be pretty bored. I guess it'll give me time to try some more creative hobbies. I should play guitar more, maybe I could try writing some songs. We'll have to see what happens once I have the time and privacy to play more (I'm very self-conscious about playing around other people). Alright, well I guess I'll go have a smoke and mosey on over to Old Chem for Biology. Hooray for cells and metabolism. Word..... i posted this at 12:36 PM ---
Yes, yes, Who Dey mother fucker...
Come on now, Blue Jacket... You live in Ohio for god's sake!!! It's not what is a blue jacket but who is Blue Jacket... He was a famous Native American who fought the encroachment of whites in Ohio... fought the U.S. military in two major battles (first major battles after our country had been established) One very embarrassing for the U.S. and the other a quite famous one I am sure you've at least vaguely heard of called the Battle of Fallen Timbers... it's all in our basic early American history books... This is one of the names drilled into our heads as children 'cause of the local history involved... hell, every goddamn summer they have his outdoor play going on out in Maysville (or something similar to that)... That's why the logo of the Columbus Blue Jackets hasn't any real defining image of a mascot represented in it like other NHL teams, because it would be offensive, and that is also why the logo is often times also represented along with the Ohio flag... It's all about heritage baby! Blue Jacket whooped some white man ass back in the day... That's why he is recognized as a hero and given the proud recognition on a sports team jersey (a relatively modern one albeit, but a hero none the less, though he's been a mythical legend of great proportions around Ohio since about 100 years after his death)... 'nough ranting about that...
Yup, teenagers are pretty dumb aren't they? They'll believe anything is true as long as someone who is perceived to be cool is telling them it's true. What's sad is that the punk rocker's/anarchist never do grow up to live in reality sometimes and keep on believing in their ill perceived worlds long after they have grown old enough to "grow out of it." Government is good because people are bad... wait too Hobbesian... Government is a necessary "evil" if one wants to remain a) free, and b) alive... But I argue that big government is what should be fought against (both republican and democrat). Te bigger government is, the less liberal society is allowed to be.
It is the professor, he is a natural sedative... my org of ag prof is the same way... though he may be talking about the most interesting cultures ever, I cannot help to fall asleep while writing down what he says...
you should take up yoga... just think of all the chicks dude... you could meet so many new people if you joined yoga up in Columbus... that is, i mean by new people, girls...
I do think that a little bit of fighting the government is necessary to keep them in check, and to maintain certain rights and stuff, but you can't get rid of it. You at least need some form of government just for general maintenance of a country, otherwise it would just fall apart.
I've never heard of Blue Jacket before, Mr. History major. They don't actually teach us anything in public schools anymore. But I did just look up blue jacket in the dictionary, and it says "a person enlisted in the navy", which I think is more likely what the team is named for, since the they are called the Blue JacketS, and they have a big nautical star in their logo. Nothing about any Native Americans.
As far as Yoga goes, that's a big "hell no". You ever tried it before? It sucks.
I thought about that too (as far as the navy men), but then I looked at the t-shirt logos and they had an Ohio flag swooshing out and I thought it could, would most likely be the Native American, seeing as Ohio is not a very big maritime state, even though we have a little history of it on the Lake Erie, and though the U.S. navy in Ohio is stationed in Columbus. Though why on earth this is so, I'll never know... seeing as Columbus is situated in an excellent geographic location for a navy to be stationed... hmmmm... but you know how wacky the buckeye state can be sometimes... but that is far from the point, the point was you said you had never heard of Blue Jacket, and that seemed ridiculous to me, as it was drilled into my head by the same public school you attended for years. I also knew of the probable navy reference but I kept that under my hat, and wasn't abashed when you didn't recognize the term. But come on, Blue Jacket??? Look, look, see what you've done now, you have made Mr. Huff cry... ha ha ha...
I have no recollection of learning about Blue Jacket, so if they did mention it, they certainly didn't drill it into my head or make a big deal out of it. Yes I have tried Yoga, when I was at the treatment center. Granted I wasn't in the best pyhysical shape, and had about zero balance at the time. But I'm just extremely inflexible, and it was more painful to try and do all that goofy shit than it was relaxing.
I liked the other pic better... no offense... this one is rather funny though, but not because you have chicken head on your hat, it's cause you look so much younger in it... I don't know... I got nothin'
my word verification was, "jnirf" I think that is the sound that comes out of a smurf when it sneezes (or it could be from the other end of the smurf--yet I cannot for the life of me find a smurf-ass-crack)... the appropriate reply would be of course, "Smurf-you!" oddly enough it is the same reaction a smurf would say if the smurf was cut off in traffic by another smurf...