The Boring World of Goob

*** Monday, January 23, 2006 ***
  - I've Got a Bad Case of The Mondays -

I've been sitting here for the past ten minutes trying to think of something interesting to write about today, but as SIB would say, I got nothin. But I've got a couple things to bitch about at least. Number one is college campuses only being able to sell one brand of soda. And not just college campuses, but restaurants, stadiums, and all kinds of places. They either have Coke products or Pepsi products (very rarely 7-up products), but never both. I'm assuming there's some kind of deal they make with the soda companies or some rule or something that you have to pick one brand. And of course OSU has Coke products, which I don't like. Although I am getting used to Cherry Coke out of necessity, it would be nice to be able to get a damn Pepsi. I just think it's annoying, and people should have the choice to buy whatever they want, not whatever brand the school made a deal with.

Number two is those stupid Boost Mobile cell phones or whatever they are that have that damn "chirp" thing for the two-way radio phone thing. I hate that noise so much it's not funny. Every time I hear it I want to grab the person's phone and smash it on the ground. I blame their retarded commercials mostly, but it's also just annoyance with people that use them all the time in public places and you keep hearing that stupid chirp and have to listen to their whole walkie-talkie style conversation. Seriously, would it be that hard to just call the person and talk to them?

Ok enough bitching for now. Time to go sit through math class with one of the dumbest girls ever to live. Later, Goob

PS. I have the same problem about drinks companies only I want Coca-Cola and only ever end up at Pepsi places.
So I go out and buy a 2 litre bottle to take me through the day.
It's wrong, plain wrong.
Seriously, this girl makes me want to smack her. Today the teacher went through a problem, and had all the steps written out right there on the blackboard, and this girl asks "wait a minute, where did that 16(pi) come from?" The teacher just looks at her, and he says, "ummm... it's right here, where I subtracted 48(pi) from 64(pi)." And she still seemed confused. And it's always really simple stuff like that, like subtracting one thing from another, and she has no idea why he's doing it when it's incredibly simple. Dumb people piss me off.

Although it may seem like if from all my bitching and condescending, I'm really not in a bad mood today or anything. Just chose today to vent all my frustrations with other people.
Well, this guy, claiming to have a journalism degree, picks up a press release and says: "So, what do I do with this? Just copy it out, with the funny-looking thing (he means a headline)at the top?"

Copy it out? COPY IT OUT? Like a fuckin' typing lesson or something?

"No," say I, "it's a press release. You look through it for the main points and write two sentences on that."

"Oh," he says. "I don't get it."

"You read it through and find out what it's about. Like if its about some new signs in the town centre, you say that some new signs are going up in the town centre."

"And what do I write on?"

"On the computer. The one you're sitting in front of."

"So I don't just copy it out?"


The fucker has been chartered to me for tomorrow to "help" me with village news because he's so crap that news desk doesn't know what to do with him.
I wonder if I'll live to the end of the week...
Jesus christ... that's why I hate working with other people. When you get someone like that there's just no hope but to try and get out of it without killing them...
There I sit, all nice and happy in my corner with my headphones on, then they bring in some dumb fuck to join me.
I'm going to find some paper for him to shred or I'll go even more insane than I already am...
...and no, today is no better...
Sorry.... how long are you stuck with this guy?
All bloody week! Three and a bit more days of his stupid questions and inane ramblings which make me want to kill myself...
Actually, I need your help; Snape didn't want his mouse last night. Or last week. He's got a bit of patchy skin here and there so I think he could be coming up for a shed...could that be putting him off his dinner? He seems to be growing fine and happy enough otherwise.
Email me gthe details
Um... I got nothin'
Done -grin-
And now EVERYONE hates work experience boy!
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