The Boring World of Goob

*** Friday, February 24, 2006 ***
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Well the week is over... paper has been written, midterms have been taken and passed, and it's time to go home to Cincy for the weekend to do some laundry and see everybody. And it's my Momma's B-day. It's been a month since I went home, which I think is good. It's hard to feel like you're on your own when you go home every other weekend.

The bonus question on my Latin midterm was "what is your favorite kind of donut," and I'm not really a huge fan of donuts, but obviously I wrote down a kind of donut to get the bonus point. So I just picked donuts with chocolate icing and sprinkles. Then this morning when I got to class, the teacher had gotten everybody's favorite donut for the people who came to class today. And she was all happy because she found me my donut with chocolate icing and sprinkles... so I felt bad and had to eat it, even though I wasn't really in the mood for something that sweet so early in the morning. And the moral of the story is... look both ways before crossing the street...

Ok I'm going to get something to eat and throw some stuff together then head on down to the Nati. Cause I'm from the Nati BITCH. (SIB will probably be the only one who gets that...). Alright... I'll be back Monday. Later people.

Wow, wish we got prezzies like donuts *envy, envy!*
I don't get it...
ha ha ha ah ugh huh?
okay okay I get it...
I love chocolate glazed donuts with sprinkles anytime of the day damnit... though that was pretty cool of your latin teacher to do...
Yes yes... it was nice. She kept telling us all week not to skip the day after the midterm since we would be starting a hard chapter, so this was our reward for showing up. It was a good donut though, just needed a glass of milk or something with it. Even though I hate milk, donuts is one thing you need milk with.
your weird
Watch out Goob.
I'm sending Mo over to America...only thing is she wants me to come too, so I get to play gooseberry *sigh*
Gooseberry? what does that mean? Anyways... send her on over, I could use some company
Gooseberry is "the one in the middle".
But she'll have to fight me for you, Goob...I can put up a good fight, y'know...
Sweet... I like having girls fight over me. Not sure who I'd put my money on though...
Her if you like the safe, reliable marriage and babies type.
Me for passion, drama, emotional roller-coasters and things to blow your mind.
But she's got a divorce to sort out first (she married at 18) and I have a suspiscion you may be a little on the tall side for dream Elf needs to be my equal y' see...
So you're short eh? I kind of pictured you being tall for some reason. I was actually talking about who to put my money on for the fight... but I suppose that other stuff's good to know...
Five foot four and glad of it...-cheesy grin-
As for the fight - well, I'm strong as hell (years of ballet school and outdoors-y stuff made sure of that) with porn star curves; she's five foot one with dark hair, dark eyes and has no physical strength but charm is her secret weapon...
I'd flaw her physically but she probably has the edge in the suitability stakes...but I can talk to animals -cheesy grin-
Guys are supposed to be a little taller than girls I think. But 5'1" may be a little short for me... I'm 6'. And I'm not a fan of babies... Marriage is one thing but kids isn't something I want at all. Pets are good enough for me, and a lot less annoying.
Ah, well then maybe Mo isn't right for you then. She's the typical "mother/wife" type...
...but I, on the other hand, hate babies, love animals, am a few inches taller than her and have a good collection of punk rock...
Are you sure you might not be about 5'11 or 5'10"?...Like if you slouch, or something? -grin-
yeah I could slouch a little bit... what difference does an inch make anyway?... you could just wear some shoes with thick soles...

and Smelly keeps asking if she's ever going to get to meet Waa...
Right, that's sorted then. You slouch and I'll wear shoes with thick soles.
Who am I to argue with a cat? -grin-
Yeah she does kinda... especially when I get home from school, she's got this crazy meow thing going on...
Aw, I'll bet she sounds sweet -grin-
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