The Boring World of Goob

*** Wednesday, February 22, 2006 ***
  - I can't wait for Friday -

Not that I have anything fun to do on Friday, but it just means that this week will be over. Writing that paper turned out to be easier and harder than I had expected. It was pretty easy to write, but it took me a lot longer than I thought it would. It doesn't help that I was planning on finishing it up yesterday afternoon after a short nap, and woke up from my nap to see that it was 6:30 in the evening. Yeah so I finished it pretty late last evening. But oh well. The actual final draft isn't due until the end of the quarter. But I think it turned out pretty well anyway. Tomorrow is my second Latin midterm, and I've been messing around with this paper so much that I've fallen a little behind. So I have a ton of studying to do tonight... but tomorrow night I'll be able to go to bed early and get some sleep, and then Friday I can finally relax.

My registration for next quarter's classes opened today, and so far I'm signed up for Latin, the next Math course, and Chemistry, so I can finally start on my biology courses. I can't believe how much damn math and chemistry I have to take. All I want to do is play with animals..... I think I may just stick with those 3. They're all probably going to require a lot of homework and studying, so I think I'll just leave it at that instead of trying to cram another one in and make myself crazy. Unless I can find some really easy GEC course to get out of the way. I don't know yet. Anyways... that's it for now.

Hey goob...
which one am I, a witty fool or a foolish wit?
Are you coming down or am I coming up?
I guess I'm coming home this weekend. What the hell you talking about "witty fool"? If I had to pick one I'd say witty fool. But really they're the same thing.
Oh... it's the quote on my page.... I didn't notice that
You dont have to come home this weekend if you dont want to... my car seems to be working just fine now...
your decision though...
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