The Boring World of Goob

*** Monday, February 06, 2006 ***
  - Ok so it wasn't that bad... -

So today wasn't such a bad day after all.... despite the chilly weather. For some reason I was in a better mood after english class than I was before. It's usually the opposite. And a spontaneous discussion about robins of all things ended up with me learning something new. They get their cue to migrate from the lengthening/shortening daylight hours, and the males come back first to stake out a claim to a nesting site before their women come back. But it has nothing to do with the weather, or it actually being spring, and sometimes they come back north when it's still really wintery. So sometimes they end up starving to death if they can't find food once they get back to their nesting areas. If it was me, I would just stay where it's nice year round. Makes more sense to me... I like to anthropomorphize and make fun of animals sometimes.... it's funny. But anyway, I saw a whole bunch of male robins today, but I'm sure they can find some stuff to eat somewhere.

And then I got a big sub from Jersey Mike's for dinner. So I'm happy now. Ok well now I'm going to watch tv for the rest of the night and try to go to bed early.

so the sun did come out in Columbus then...
(literally as well as metaphorically in case you were to slow to guess...)
well good...
mmmm... Jersey Mike's...
gotta say that any place after my namesake has gotta have good food...
of course...
Well actually it was quite sunny today, but there was no way to enjoy it with the wind chill... No wait, I mean up here in the arctic of Columbus we have about 7 feet of snow and it stays dark all the time... the sun should come out sometime next month, but only for a few hours a day until summertime... I can't wait for the week when the snow melts and I can see the ground before it starts right back into winter again...
Maybe you could give the robins some to make sure they don't starve.
Like when I was at college and my friend Helen and I bought a sarnie (ok, so you call them subs)for a homeless person once a week.
Or you could just tell me to shut the hell up and to stop being so annoying.
I was thinking of putting a bird feeder outside my window so Smelly could sit there and watch the birds... but I've never seen a Robin eat at a bird feeder. Not sure what they would eat...
Ours take fat (from meat), fruit cake, nuts and raisins (the raw ones shelled; not the kind that have been treated with salt or dry roasted or anything).
Breadcrumbs are always good.
Our robins are peckers; they'd rather take food from the floor and rummage than fly to a feeder. Their favourite natural food is worms; full of protein.
But then your robins are different so who knows! -grin-
Hey...does Smelly make that noise like an ak-ak gun at the window when she sees prey?
Waa's hilarious!
Like "Here I am; I'm going to eat you, look at me; I'm a cat and not obvious at all, no, there's no glass here between us and you can't see me at all, no really, I am going to eat you up, little bird, grrrr..."
Yeah she does... I'm curious as to why cats do that though...
I think it's a reflex when they're excited. I've read that it comes from their teeth...when they see something they want to attack and they chatter them together. But it doesn't sound like that when I hear it; it sounds to me like it comes from the throat.
Waa's the only cat I've had who's done it, though.
But then he chatters away all the time; he's a very talkative cat.
My last one, Dusty, used to walk about the house looking so proud when he caught a could always see the odd leg hanging out of his mouth; it was really funny!
no, A. robins eat bugs...
worms, invertebrates, and fruits and such...
but mostly they're associated with eating the worm... hence the visual to the cliche saying, "the early bird gets the worm," and they always show a robin pulling a worm outta the ground...
(Think that must have been my spaz moment...)
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