- What the Hell are you talking about Goob? -
It's back to cold as hell again. I wonder why people say that. "Cold as hell." I thought Hell was supposed to be pretty warm. I guess "as Hell" has just become a phrase synonymous with "very" these days.
That's it. That's all I have to say for today. I know, I know, you would think there would be something interesting going on in my life by now, but alas, nothing. But strangely enough, that's Ok with me. Being alone and isolated from friends and other people used to bother me and make me think bad things, but for some reason it doesn't anymore. Although it would be nice to have stuff to do and people to hang out with, I feel perfectly comfortable in my little apartment with my cat and snakes. I'm not feeling depressed or desperate for company. The drunks at AA meetings always talk about how they didn't used to feel "comfortable in their own skin," but once they learned to live with themselves life became better and sobriety easier. I guess I've gotten to be comfortable in my own skin. It's a strange feeling, but much better than the way things used to be.