- My Quest for a Tree..... -
Most of the people that know me probably know that I have a habit of planting seeds that I find and trying to grow trees out of them. Ever since we were at OU, and me and Mike took some plastic cups out of the recycling bins and dug up some dirt and planted some maple seeds we found on campus. Since then I've had a couple of maple tree seedlings which have all died eventually, and a few lemon trees from seeds I got out of lemons at Pizza Hut. I gave a few of those away, and I don't know what happened to them, but the one I have is still alive, but not really growing at all. But the point is.... of all the times I've tried to grow a tree, I haven't really succeeded yet. They always seem to meet some unfortunate end, like getting fried if they get left out in the sun during the summer, or getting eaten by bugs or something. And it makes me mad, because I want a damn tree, but not one that I bought.... I want to start it from a seed.
So I'm starting a new attempt. I'm trying some apple seeds.... though I don't know how well that will work. They won't grow unless you refrigerate them for a couple months so they think they went through winter and it's springtime. I would like to have an apple tree though..... But to be safe I picked up some more maple tree seeds I found while I was sitting around waiting for the bus today.... So I planted some of them, now I just have to wait and see if anything decides to grow. One of these days though, I'm going to have a tree and plant it outside and build a treehouse in it.... and I'll play in it when I'm about 80 years old....