- I'm back..... -
...in the blogging world..... after a bit of a break.
So I suppose things are returning to relatively normal again. For a while there all I did was sit around watching Tv and try not to spend any money, since I didn't really have any. But tonight was my first day at work, delivering for Domino's again. All I did tonight though was ride around with one of the other drivers for a while and learn the area some. It looks like parts of the area are pretty shady, so I'll probably end up getting robbed before the summer's over. That should be fun. The manager and the other people I met seem nice enough, so I don't think it'll be a bad place to work. They were all standing around making fun of each other, and it seems like a pretty relaxed place to work. My Pa is finally home from the hospital, but last I heard he was still on oxygen so he can't get around a whole lot. But hopefully he'll be better soon. Him being in the hospital was reminding us all of where I was two years ago... not something I really like thinking about if I don't have to. I don't care to see the inside of a hospital again for a long time...
But my two year anniversary is coming up soon, which I think is kind of a big deal. When I first got back to Ohio and started going to AA meetings, it seemed like getting one year of sobriety was so far off that it would never happen. But here I am at two years and it doesn't really seem like it's been that difficult. I wish I could say that I don't really even think about it anymore, but that's not true. Little stuff all the time reminds me of my drinking days. And I suppose it's best to keep it stuck there in the back of my head and not forget what it was like.....
Well my dinner is ready, so I'm off to eat. Hope everyone is well and all that junk.