- Animals are Fun -
I just got back from the Zoology club meeting, which was pretty fun. The Columbus Zoo's promotions department brought some animals to show us. I got to pet a Dingo (a cool idea, but really, it's the same as petting a dog), a Serval (a lesser cat species), a Fennec (desert fox, smallest of all fox species), and there was a Binturong (aka bearcat) hanging out on my shoulders for a while. He was going from person to person on their shoulders like we were trees... it was funny. There was also a Civet, an Armadillo, a big Leopard Tortoise, and a Screech Owl. They weren't animals that are on display at the Zoo, the promotions department takes animals given to them from other zoos and stuff and raises them for a while and uses them in presentations like this one, and on talk shows and stuff like that. I guess once they grow up they give them back to whoever they got them from. So they travel all over the country, and they said that when they stay at hotels the animals come with them. So like if they have penguins with them, they'll be hanging out in the bathtub in the room, and they'll have other animals running around in the room. That would be funny to see... The Fennec was the guy's favorite he said, and he kept going on about how it had a little stuffed duck that it loved to play with and took everywhere, so finally he just let it out of the cage and gave it the duck. So there was this tiny little fox running all over the room making squeaking noises and carrying a little yellow stuffed duck in it's mouth. It was funny... Well as I'm sure you're all laughing by now about how big of a nerd I am, and my dinner is ready, I'm going to go eat and watch TV. I was on campus for 12 damn hours today and I'm tired. Later.